Picture OPAC is a unique feature in your Infiniti library management system that allows you to create an “interactive touch screen” path for students to follow, interacting with your catalogue and finding books suitable for their specific needs and interests.

You can design and customise graphical touch screen search interfaces for different student groups to ensure they will always experience success and find books in your catalogue you want them to find:

  • set up PicPACs for general in-library,
  • students search by touching the screen,
  • have different year level PicPACs for Prep, Year 1, Year 2, other year levels or groups,
  • younger students easily interact with the catalogue – no keyboard or mouse required,
  • special needs students can interact with the catalogue – no keyboard or mouse required,
  • allow students and parents to search for books using PicPAC from home,
  • customise each PicPAC UI with the images provided or source your own free images for even more customisation,
  • align each PicPAC UI to precise sets of books in your catalogue.
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